
Life, Updates, Writing Process

The Artist’s Way: Week 8 – Recovering a Sense of Strength

This week was another crazy one in my every day life. It's still the busy season at work. I had a store event both days this weekend, so there wasn't "time" to do too much else. Also, I am so so tired. I think I only did my morning pages about two or three times… Continue reading The Artist’s Way: Week 8 – Recovering a Sense of Strength

Life, Writing Process

The Artist’s Way – Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection

First up, the check-in. I have been really slacking on this journey the past couple of weeks. I could blame work for being busy or 6-month out wedding stuff, but really I just haven't made time for my creativity (which is what week 8 is about btw). I actually really miss the journaling part. I… Continue reading The Artist’s Way – Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection

Life, Updates, Writing Process

The Artist’s Way: Week 6 – Recovering a Sense of Abundance

I'm going to be completely honest with you...I did not do my best this week. This is for a few reasons, I think. The first, this chapter didn't really resonate with me the way others have. The second, I was straight up busy. It's Spring and I work for a soil company. This week you… Continue reading The Artist’s Way: Week 6 – Recovering a Sense of Abundance

Life, Updates, Writing Process

The Artist’s Way: Week 5 – Recovering a Sense of Possibility

I am going to admit that this past week I didn't try very hard. I only journaled 3 days of the 7, but I did do some fun "artist date" things by going to the farmer's market, a new place for lunch, and getting some coffee shop writing time done with some friends. I know… Continue reading The Artist’s Way: Week 5 – Recovering a Sense of Possibility

Life, Updates, Writing Process

The Artist’s Way: Week 4 – Recovering a Sense of Integrity

This week was supposed to ground the artist back into themselves through something called "Reading Deprivation." So, uh, first things first, I did not do this... There's a lot of chat online about this being more like "media deprivation" instead of just reading, because back when the book was written there was definitely less options… Continue reading The Artist’s Way: Week 4 – Recovering a Sense of Integrity